作者:未知 来源:kastop.com 发布时间:2024年09月04日 点击数:
The redeem script // @ts-ignore globalThis.WebSocket = require("websocket").w3cwebsocket; const fs = require('fs'); const { PrivateKey, Resolver, RpcClient, kaspaToSompi, createTransactions, initConsolePanicHook, addressFromScriptPublicKey, Address, Opcodes, ScriptBuilder } = require('../../../../nodejs/kaspa'); const destinationAddressArg = 'kaspatest:qqff55t6ay54a5940jvzq2ylq8qnkazlffjqshlt70znhp48drslx9yunu0um'; const networkId = 'testnet-10'; initConsolePanicHook(); function createTimeLockedScript(lockTime) { const builder = new ScriptBuilder(); return builder .addI64(BigInt(lockTime)) .addOp(Opcodes.OpCheckLockTimeVerify) .addOp(Opcodes.OpDrop) .addOp(Opcodes.OpCheckSig) // This will be used for the sender's signature .createPayToScriptHashScript(); // This will not be used to create a new address } (async () => { const privateKey = new PrivateKey('af0aa5ddcc93ab2d60986db7cb88cae95f52b142c13d33b4d616c70106f110d4'); const sourceAddress = privateKey.toKeypair().toAddress(networkId); console.info(`Source address: ${sourceAddress}`); const destinationAddress = new Address(destinationAddressArg); console.log(`Destination address: ${destinationAddress}`); const rpc = new RpcClient({ resolver: new Resolver(), networkId }); console.log(`Connecting to ${rpc.url}`); await rpc.connect(); let { isSynced } = await rpc.getServerInfo(); if (!isSynced) { console.error("Please wait for the node to sync"); rpc.disconnect(); return; } let { entries } = (await rpc.getUtxosByAddresses([sourceAddress])); if (!entries.length) { console.error("No UTXOs found for address"); } else { console.info(entries); entries.sort((a, b) => a.amount > b.amount ? 1 : -1); const oneHourInSeconds = 60 * 2; const currentUnixTime = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); const lockTime = currentUnixTime + oneHourInSeconds; const timeLockedScript = createTimeLockedScript(lockTime); console.log(`Time-locked script: ${timeLockedScript.toString('hex')}`); fs.writeFileSync('timeLockedScript.json', JSON.stringify(timeLockedScript)); // Create a P2SH address from the time-locked script const P2SHAddress = addressFromScriptPublicKey(timeLockedScript, networkId); console.log(`P2SH Address: ${P2SHAddress.toString()}`); // Use the P2SH address in the transaction outputs let { transactions, summary } = await createTransactions({ entries, outputs: [{ address: P2SHAddress.toString(), // Use the P2SH address here amount: kaspaToSompi("10") // Adjust the amount as needed }], priorityFee: 0n, changeAddress: sourceAddress, networkId: networkId }); console.log("Summary:", summary); for (let pending of transactions) { // Sign the transaction await pending.sign([privateKey]); // Get the signature from the signed input const signature = pending.sign([privateKey]); // Assuming single input, adjust if multiple console.log(signature) // Set the lockTime on the transaction pending.transaction.lockTime = BigInt(lockTime); let txid = await pending.submit(rpc); console.log("Node responded with txid:", txid); } } await rpc.disconnect(); })();
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- 上一篇:矿霸resistant分析
- 下一篇:Kaspa上线发布版本0.15.1-rc3