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If I run a local node like:

./kaspad --testnet \
--utxoindex \
--ram-scale=0.8 \
--appdir "./tn10" \
--rpclisten="" \
--listen="" \
--rpclisten-borsh="" \
--maxinpeers=20  &

Can I just connect it locally with WASM like the following?

const RPC = new RpcClient({  
  resolver: new Resolver({ urls: ["ws://"]}),  
  encoding: Encoding.Borsh,  
  networkId: network

For some reason it's not working

1、The RpcClient argument is “url” not “resolver”. Resolver is a different protocol. So when connecting to a local node, specify url : “ws://” and omit the resolver argument.

2、why are you targeting your Rpcclient borsch on 16210 while you activated the borsh listening on 17210 (on the node)?

3、Wasm is approaching the borsh rpc endpoint, so you need the 17210 port


  1. const { RpcClient } = kaspa;
    const rpc = new RpcClient({
      url: "",
    await rpc.connect()

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