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wasm2wat — 

translate from the binary format to the text format

wasm2wat[options] file

wasm2wat does the inverse of wat2wasm, translate from the binary format back to the text format (also known as a .wat).

The options are as follows:

  • --verbose

  • Use multiple times for more info

  • --help

  • Print a help message

  • --output=FILENAME

  • Output file for the generated wast file, by default use stdout

  • --fold-exprs

  • Write folded expressions where possible

  • --enable-exceptions

  • Experimental exception handling

  • --disable-mutable-globals

  • Import/export mutable globals

  • --enable-saturating-float-to-int

  • Saturating float-to-int operators

  • --enable-sign-extension

  • Sign-extension operators

  • --disable-simd

  • SIMD support

  • --enable-threads

  • Threading support

  • --inline-exports

  • Write all exports inline

  • --inline-imports

  • Write all imports inline

  • --no-debug-names

  • Ignore debug names in the binary file

  • --generate-names

  • Give auto-generated names to non-named functions, types, etc.

  • --no-check

  • Don't check for invalid modules

Parse binary file test.wasm and write text file test.wast

$ wasm2wat test.wasm -o test.wat

Parse test.wasm, write test.wat, but ignore the debug names, if any

$ wasm2wat test.wasm --no-debug-names -o test.wat

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